Develop a stronger fanbase
“You put your all into producing an excellent music product; and expanding your content. We put our all into continually expanding your digital footprint to support YOU.”
Pros understand the headache of using basic spreadsheets to handle their critical metadata – especially with increasing amounts for the various platforms. Cylia AudioID backOffice for Artistes and Producers helps you and your team collect credits for all persons contributing to your releases in one place.
Good and easy record keeping Adding codes for tracking purposes and managing which codes were used are a breeze when you can designate team members to assist collection and finalizing of credits. The results are assets which support discovery of your releases and enables the optional services via the Caribbean Music Metadata Archives.
Release and Order your own Data
backOffice uses industry standard formats so that you can generate release data to ensure your data is consistent on whichever platform you choose to share your data.
The digital assets you need to have a chance in this new age. Ease of discovery of profiles and content improves your chances of deep dives into your content and a new fan discovering a new favourite song. It improves your chances of engagement on your website or via social media contacts. The digital resources also allow linking to, or embedding, existing resources from your website, metadata archive or from the automatically curated discography.
Independent Labels & Label Service Providers
This is the age of independent labels: It is incredibly easy to get your content in front of millions using streaming platforms using a small team and small number of tools. After stepping up your game with a Pro-studio and Pro- gear, you may consider upgrading from a text editor and a basic spreadsheet to manage the details of your operation because Pro- metadata is now the where the game is being played.
Cylia AudioID backoffice for Independent Labels and Label service Providers provides an interface allowing collection and management of your release metadata to ensure consistent and thorough metadata is available for all along the value chain.
After collecting all contributor information, use the Cylia AudioID backoffice tool to generate output required by your preferred distributor. We then encourage qualifying entities to submit release metadata to your National Archive and the Caribbean Music Metadata Archive for additional support aimed to improve your digital footprint in the shorted period of time.
Data to support statements relating to Caribbean music has been difficult obtain. Researchers for reliable sources are found not only in academic institutions but at magazines, radio stations, content curators among others. Cylia AudioID would like to work with you to both provided available data and to develop new data sources for use within research publications.
Magazines & Publications
Timely data is crucial to magazines and publications. Researchers for online articles, publications and online programs may have access to data which is compiled daily and ahead of chart publications posted at the end of a given week. The head-start allows time for the writing and proofreading processes and also for the need to access current info during conversations about current conditions within the industry.
This facility is targeted toward radio/tv/livestream talk-show hosts, podcasters etc to allow for searching of snippets of interesting data about releases.
Music is a very important part of your event. Event monitoring helps audit the music played at your event to show the range content and the catalogues used. Facilitating data capture beyond report of content used during live performances to public performances of pre-recorded content will definitely contribute to the understanding of what content is used. Transparency of information brings with it the understanding of distribution policies and ultimately help to build trust among the creative sector.
Promoters, as facilitators of timely payments to artistes, play a major role to encourage artists/ creatives to produce quality content .. which ultimately drives the energy level in events. Understanding and accounting for where and when artiste’s work are consumed during events are key to provide valuable industry feedback.
Cylia AudioID mCylia devices automate the accounting for pre-recorded content played at Clubs, Bars, Events, and music trucks. Your support for the industry requires at minimum temporary access for a two-person team typically at setup and at the end of events.
Policy and Industry Managers
[bird’s eye industry view]. Finally a source of cross-genre industry data to begin to capture the health and growth of the local and regional genres. valuable information for development of programs to support various genres and/or general creative sector.Data would inform developmental and support programs for traditional artforms and local genres attempting to impress on the regional and world stages. In particular, the genres which may tend to become lost among the clutter of uploads each day.
A robust and dedicated data collection system responsible for monitoring the output of the genres , estimate economic activity and contributions, encourage job creation by highlighting industry gaps and therefore opportunity for youth development/ talent development to meet needs of the creative sector.
[“include general stats about data collected thus far: no. or artists and producers; number of countries and genres discovered; average number of releases in a range of genres”]
Cylia AudioID backOffice
The quality of metadata accompanying releases directly impacts the ability for your content to be discovered, linked to other resources and to be recommended. Content curators and fans alike can also find interesting facts about the release which can cause them dive deeper into catalogues. The availability and completeness of metadata accompanying releases aid this long-term strategy to building fan bases and discoverability. [supercharge your content]
[connect your team on a single platform]. Artistes and producers in the Caribbean increasingly collaborate across international boundaries. Executive producers need better tools to even work with their assistants more effectively – reduce the back and forth. This is time for more music, more projects or simply more creative time.
[generate metadata for release]
…elaborate…[submit to archive if desired]
- Manage your ISRCs
- Collect release information – metadata – in preparation for release
- Export to desired format for backup or transfer (Xcel, CSV, coming soon: generate ERN for single resource)
Future features:
- Collect information about contributors on the spot and as they happen to capture all info
- Generate summary information for verification, for receipt for distribution among contributors for acknowledgement
- Access service providers within the application
ProducersIndependent Labels & Label Service ProvidersPromotersMagazines, Publications & ResearchersPolicy and Industry Managers